amobee (Kontera)

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amobee (Kontera)

amobee (Kontera) offers in-text advertising links, similar in style to the more popular Infolinks. While their ad units’ high visibility might be off-putting to some, that is exactly the point: these ads are effective combatants against banner blindness and are impossible for a site visitor to ignore (assuming he is reading the content). While in theory this is a good idea, in practice it leaves a lot to be desired as implementation can be choppy and ad relevancy can be weak.

amobee was founded to provide carrier-class mobile advertising solutions, and we are experts on the unique challenges and opportunities for operators. Mobile advertising needs data in order to be personal and more relevant in today’s social-local setting. This provides a valuable opportunity for mobile operators to leverage their excellent user relationships. Whether through an operators’ own inventory (portals, applications, SMS/MMS channels, etc.).

amobee offers marketers, agencies, publishers and operators the most advanced cross channel digital marketing technology platform and solutions with powerful intelligence at its core. Uniquely, we have the deep expertise and technology to provide a comprehensive suite of solutions for key stakeholders achieving unparalleled results.

Company Name Kontera
Payment Frequency NET30
Country United States
Payment Method PayPal, Cheque, Wire
Minimum Payment $50
Site Info Whois,, StatsCrop
Commission Type CPC, CPM, IN-text

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